Palicos are back in Monster Hunter Rise, and they are better than they have ever been, assisting players in a variety of ways during their hunts. There are different types of assistance the Palicos can provide, and they are all useful, depending on the player’s skill level and the situation.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Healer Palico in Monster Hunter Rise
Healer Palico Overview
The Healer Palico provides, as the name implies, a healing assist to players. This type of assist is extremely useful for players who are just starting out in Monster Hunter Rise or even in the series in general, as these Palicos create healing items that can be used in combat.
Healer Palico Equipped Moves
The Healer Palico, like all other Palico types, comes with five different Equipped Moves. These moves, which can be learned by leveling up, improve the healing capabilities of the Healer Palicos considerably, making them even more viable as they gain experience on the field.
Herbaceous Healing – Level 1 – Places a plant with restorative powers that continuously heals any nearby allies.
Healing Bubble – Level 5 – Creates bubbles that pop and provide healing when touched. Bigger bubbles heal more.
Vase of Vitality – Level 10 – Places a vase that heals various status ailments. Stand in the smoke to receive its effects.
Furbidden Acorn – Level 15 – Heals a Buddy and temporarily prevents loss of its health.
Health Horn – Level 20 – Greatly recovers Buddy and player health.
Published: Apr 8, 2021 11:13 AM UTC