Palicos in Monster Hunter Rise provide different help to players depending on their type. While they are all useful in their own right, some of them can be more helpful than others, depending on the situation and on how good the player is at the game.
The Assist Palico is definitely among the most useful in Monster Hunter Rise, but some players will be able to make better use of their help than others. Here’s everything you need to know about them.
Assist Palico Overview
Assist Palicos, like their name implies, provide players with different assists that can make a difference during a hunt especially for advanced players that know when to heal properly, thus not needing the assistance of a Healer Palico. As one of the equipped moves makes taking advantage of Endemic Life even easier, the Assist Palico is the Palico to bring if you have excellent knowledge of the Monster Hunter Rise gameplay mechanics and of the series in general.
Assist Palico Equipped Moves
Like for other Palicos, the Equipped moves are learned at level 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20.
Felyne Silkbind – Fires movement-hindering Ironsilk at large monsters, using a Palico-sized ballista.
Go, Fight, Win – Reduces hunters’ stamina loss while your Palico is dancing.
Summeown Endemic Life – Places a fragrant pouch that entices nearby endemic life to approach.
Shock Purr-ison – Sets up a shock trap that stops large monsters from moving.
Poison Purr-ison – Sets a trap that immobilizes large monsters and inflicts them with poison.
Published: Apr 9, 2021 12:05 PM UTC