New Pokémon Snap is a game for Nintendo Switch based on the classic Pokémon Snap for Nintendo 64. In this game, you will become a Pokémon Photographer. You can go for your journey through the deserts, jungles, and mountains of the Lental and take pictures of wild Pokémon spread across the region. You will be able to share photos you’ve taken during your playthrough through the Internet. There are more than 200 Pokémon that are present in the game and today we are going to tell you about Salazzle, where to find it, and how to get all stars by taking photos of it.
Where to Find Salazzle in Pokémon Snap
Salazzle in Pokémon Snap can be seen at the beginning of the road near the Mandibuzz. It is hidden behind a rock. If you take the alternate route, you will find another Salazzle. You will see it near the left of the NEO-ONE. It will stand on the top of the giant pillar.
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How to Get All Stars
To get the stars in Pokémon Snap you will need to take a photo of Pokémon. The more uncommon the behavior of Pokémon and the situation you’ve pictured are, the more stars you will get. It is easy enough to get 1 and 2 stars. Just take a photo of a Pokémon while it is walking or sleeping. These tips are the same for most Pokémon in-game. Here are some tips on how to get three-star and four-star pictures of Salazzle.
To get a three-star photo you will need to lure Salazzle to the sand that gives an odor. It will try to kick sand up and you will need to take a photo of it.
To get a four-star photo you will need to give Salazzle a Fluffruit and hit it with a few Illumina Orbs. After that, the Pokémon will start to dance. Take a photo of it and you will get a four-star photo.
Published: Aug 5, 2021 12:51 PM UTC