NieR Reincarnation released earlier this year in Japan, marking the series’ debut on mobile devices with a game that combines the great storytelling the series is known for with mobile games mechanics like gacha mechanics and so on. The game has yet to make its debut in the West, but it seems like it won’t take much longer to finally see the game available globally.
NieR Reincarnation director Daichi Matsukawa recently provided a new update on the game’s English localization process, confirming that work is pretty much done. The team is currently making the final adjustments in preparation for the upcoming preregistration.
A very short NieR Reincarnation gameplay clip has also been shared online to provide a quick look at the English location. You can check it out on the game’s official Facebook page.
NieR Reincarnation launches on the App Store and Google Play Store on a yet to be confirmed release date. The game is currently available in Japan.
Published: May 3, 2021 04:04 am