Perfect Kick is an insanely addictive shooting game based on some very simple mechanics. However, as you probably know already, becoming a master and winning all the matches is not the easiest thing to do and I am here to help you with that by sharing some Perfect Kick cheats: a set of tips and tricks that will hopefully make you a better player in this great iOS game.
So let’s prepare our boots and let’s get ready to go pro with these Perfect Kick tips and tricks.
1. Stay in the Second League
Not only that there you will find the most of the players, but you will also find it the cheapest place to be until you get used with the play mechanics. Even more experienced players stick to the Second League because it’s the most fun.

2. Learn to shoot those hard to defend shots
One of the best and most difficult to defend spots is right at the middle between the keeper and the right or left post. In order to make that shot, simply slide your finger towards the direction, but also add a little lob by moving your finger downwards at the end.
3. Guess shots
Another really tricky to guess shot is one to the left or the right bottom post. Usually keepers will jump over them and you’ll score a goal.
4. Try lobs
Lobs work best for me and the classic lob in the middle of the goal is also pretty hard to guess by most players. Simply swipe up and quickly downwards in order to shoot a perfect lob over the keeper.
5. Don’t ignore defense!
When defending, you should also pay attention to the opponent: take your time and don’t rush to jump towards the ball. Usually the shots are not extremely powerful and if you hurry you will risk getting there too fast.

And always keep the eye on the ball since some use dirty tricks (like throwing shoes or tomatoes) before they take a shot.
6. Mix up your shots
Even if you find a particular one that does pretty well, try to mix and match. A good tactic is to alternate left or right positions for placing your shots and try to never follow a specific pattern. The more unpredictable you are, the bigger the chances of getting out of a match with a victory.
7. Want to shoot those powerful shots?
Simply draw a straight, long line and you’ll have power. Sometimes this is a nice approach for the keepers that take their time, but power shots are usually, at least in my case, very difficult to make.
8. Always buy upgrades from the store
You can also earn some via tournaments or leveling up, so always keep an eye on the store. White items are items that you can use for free, even though some have a time limit, while yellow items must be purchased.
Also make sure to check out all the items on sale since they all offer different boosts and have in mind that you can only equip one type of item at a time. My personal favorites are those increasing power and defence.

9. Learn to make the short shots
These are the shots that hit the ground before jumping into the net and are the most difficult to defend.
Simply do a short swipe upwards and in the direction of your shot (never in the middle) than a long swipe down. Once per game and you’re guaranteed a goal!
10. Bosses!
Do the boss challenges n order to earn special items, but be warned that those players are really skilled!
11. Practice offline
If you want to master a shot or try out a few new ones, go into practice mode in the main menu and keep shooting until you make it. It’s the best way to test out new shots and actually see how to curl and lob your shots.
And this would be it for now, our 11 Perfect Kick tips and tricks for a… perfect kick. If you have even more to share with us, let us know!
Published: Feb 22, 2020 10:12 am