Relatively early in Pocket Mortys, after you collect around 8 Badges and defeat the first two Council Members, you will get a quest that will reward you with an Egg Morty. I am sure that after you get it, you are pretty much intrigued because this is clearly not a regular Morty in the game – not only that it is a pink egg, but the description also says that it contains some sort of life force inside. Pretty interesting, right? Then read on to find out everything about the Pocket Mortys Egg Morty in our guide!
How to get the Egg Morty?
As I said before, you will get a request from an in-game character as soon as you are at about 8 medals in-game and cleared 2 Council members. The numbers might not be set in stone, but that’s when I got mine. So ALWAYS accept the deals that the in-game characters propose!
How to use the Egg Morty?
Just having it does nothing as it is pretty much useless. What you need to do? Level it up!
Yes, you have to work a lot to level up your Egg Morty: when it reaches level 20, it morphs into the True Morty (The One True Morty in-game character), which can’t be obtained otherwise. But how do you level up a character that has no attack value and virtually no defense?
Well, there are actually two ways of doing it and you won’t find any faster than the other. Here’s what you can do:
1. The easy (but looong) way: get your Egg Morty into battles! Have the Egg Morty the first to attack, use its skill and then switch with a Morty that will defeat the character. Rinse and repeat and you will get bits of experience for each Morty you defeat. Just make sure that you actually allow the Morty Egg to spend one turn in battle, otherwise it will get no experience.
2. The difficult way: Use the Level Up Mega Seed. Each seed you will use will give your Egg Morty one level, so it’s wise to keep those for the higher levels of the character, when the tiny bits of experience you gain from leeching off opponents don’t matter too much. You can check out our recipes list here in order to see what you need in order to craft the level up mega seed (and all the recipes in the game, of course).
There is a ton of work you’ll have to do to level up your Egg Morty and get the One True Morty, but if you really are a true collector, I am sure you’ll do this and love every moment of it. I mean… who doesn’t want to have the OTM?
Published: Jan 14, 2016 7:15 PM UTC