Pokémon GO is the most popular augmented reality game to date, combining some of the features that made the Pokémon franchise famous in the first place with augmented reality features that encourage players to venture out into the world in search of Pokémon.
The game launched in a rather barren state, but has since been updated with a slew of new features that elevate it to the level of a legitimate Pokémon experience.
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Mega Evolution has been added to Pokémon Go, allowing you to create strong Pokémon and strengthen them even further. In this Pokémon Go guide, we’ll demonstrate how to easily Mega Evolve and obtain Mega Energy. You can now make your strong Pokémon even stronger.
What is Mega Evolution?
While Mega Evolution makes your Pokémon stronger, there are a few additional benefits to owning and using a Mega Evolved Pokémon.
One perk includes additional candy for that Pokémon type. When you catch Buneary or Lopunny while you have a Mega Lopunny active, you will receive a bonus, Buneary Candy. (NOTE – This figure is not multiplied by the amount of Pinap Berries.)
When Mega Evolved Pokémon are used in a raid, they increase the stats of your allies’ Pokémon and provide an additional type boost to Pokémon of the same type. For instance, if you use a Mega Lopunny, your normal and combat moves will be boosted.
Pokemon Go: How to Mega Evolve

At any given time, you can only have one Mega Pokémon. Your first Pokémon will revert to normal if you Mega Evolve another one, and you will need to collect Mega Energy to evolve it again.
When a Mega Pokémon is used in a raid, other Pokémon receive an attack boost, with Pokémon of the same type receiving an additional attack boost. These bonuses are not cumulative.
Your Pokémon will only be Mega Evolved for a limited time, which you can see on the Pokémon’s information screen. It will be significantly cheaper to Mega Evolve it once it returns to normal.
Published: Sep 28, 2021 6:22 AM UTC