A new puzzle game launching next year on the App Store has been recently revealed, a game where players will have to use wind to their own advantage.
With The Wind starts the young daughter or Aeolus, Ruler of Winds. The girl will have to collect bags of wind for her father, bags that are cleverly placed in the game’s many different stages.
Being the daughter of the Ruler of Winds, our young protagonist will be able to use wind to her advantage, manipulating the environment to finally obtain these bags of wind. The way the wind is manipulated in the game is incredibly interesting, as it will go in the direction the character moves, making blocks move away, activate mechanics and more. This feature alone elevates the game beyond other similar puzzle games, as movement will play an important part in clearing stages.
With The Wind is still under development so many of its features have yet to be confirmed. The game seems really interesting so far and we will keep an eye on it from now on.
With The Wind is currently set for an early 2015 release. We will keep you updated on this game as soon as more comes in on it so stay tuned for all the latest updates.
Published: Oct 21, 2014 3:28 PM UTC