If you ever wondered about some Rangers of Oblivion tips and cheats then we have everything you might want to know about the game in order to get a powerful weapon fit for your play style. We will also give you all the Rangers of Oblivion tips and tricks you will need in order to fight the powerful behemoths!
If you are just getting started and aren’t yet familiar with everything that we will explain here, don’t worry because soon enough you will be facing the same challenges as well! So just be patient and follow our advice and you will have a really easy and fun time rocking your character!
So, without further ado, let’s dive right into the Rangers of Oblivion tips and tricks!
Customize to your own heart
When you first start a new character, you can choose to customize your character however you want, from hair to height and even voice. If you have never played a RPG before and this is your first time using such a system, then don’t let it overwhelm you!
Just fool around with various styles and features because (unlike in many RPG games) these aren’t permanent! You can also change them at a later time through in-game mirrors that allow you to grab a new look!
No classes? No problem!
Since the game doesn’t feature any major classes when you start off, don’t let this fool you. There is a system similar to classes, but it relies on weapon type. You can choose to swap between these too, so they aren’t exactly set in stone either.
There are six types of weapon to choose from:
– Armored Gauntlets: These are a quick DPS source, and relatively fun and easy to play. You will have to try them out because they are not exactly your typical weapon (it feels like thrusting fists at the enemy).
– Greatsword: The most difficult play style, but also the most rewarding as this is one of the strongest weapons in the hands of those who can wield them.
– Lance: The Lance is never alone, because it’s accompanied by a shield. This play style combines both defenses with offenses, so you also become quite tanky while doing some damage.
– Longbow: As the name suggests, you don’t have to be close to the enemy to deal damage, so playing with this weapon type is not that difficult (rather easy).
– Staff: Super easy to play because of the range, and also because it makes behemoth fights seem less hard than they actually are (since you don’t really have to be that close to it and that makes things easy).
– Twin Blades: Focusing on agility and fast damage input, this weapon is somehow more difficult than the Longbow, but easier than the Greatsword. It’s good for an action-packed play style.
If you are a first time player or you just want to have a nice and easy time swaying through the game at your own pace, then I suggest going for the Staff as it has one of the safest and most fun play styles.
If you are looking for a more challenging but just as rewarding play style, then the Greatsword is amazing! I prefer that one as it makes you look really bad-ass, so 100 points to that! Also, it has some basic damage that is pretty high, making monsters drop dead in seconds.
Lock on the target!
In the fights you can either choose to automatically lock on the target, or let the game do it for you. I strongly suggest having this option set on “on”, because you will have a much easier time dealing with the enemies one at a time.
If you choose to have this option set on “off”, then you might mess up during fights or even miss a skill at the desired target, which will result in you possibly taking some lethal damage for a mere second that the enemy is left alive (which could have been avoided if you had the target locked on).
Equip the Wild Soul of your dreams (or needs)
These so-called Wild Souls are some extra features this game brings to help your character become stronger by bringing a new set of skills to the table. Those skills can be either protective or offensive, so depending on what you will need, make sure you constantly switch them according to the situation.
There are five Wild Soul types:
– Holy (Good for Defend, Dispell)
– Titan (Good for Attack, Destroy)
– Dark (Good for Weaken, Abnormal)
– Arcane (Good for Space, Realm)
– Nature (Good for Heal, Endurance)
These Wild Souls also can come in three rarities:
– Mutated (The best ones)
– Normal (Average ones, nothing out of the ordinary, but can be good)
– Desolate (Used mostly to level up the Normal and Mutated ones)
I suggest trying them all out and according to the situation that you are in swap them to one that fits best. Since some of them (like the Nature ones for example) are good for healing and generally buffing the party members, try using them when you want to support your team in a boss fight.
Others, such as the Titan ones, go hand-in-hand with the massive damage dealers since they provide even more damage and power. It’s really good to try them all out, because if you want to mix them up and have a mild damage dealer with good survivability, you might want to try a crazy combo (hint: might actually work)!
Go for that Achilles’s heel of the behemoths!
That means that every super strong boss has a weak spot. Try always aiming for that, as it will greatly increase the damage they receive as well as decrease the fight times. In the late game fights you won’t have to stay and fight the boss for hours (well, not quite, but you get the point) but if you aim for the weak spots, then you will fight it much faster.
And on that note, here is another Rangers of Oblivion tip you get from us: it’s a lot easier to aim for the weak spots with a Staff. So try going for that when you can, unless you have perfected a way of fighting with the Greatsword!
Not strong enough? Repeat the stage!
This is a tip I wish someone had told me beforehand. When you feel kinda weak and are having a hard time dealing with certain monsters and stages, don’t back down. What you can do instead is repeat the last stage that you can and gather XP and items.
This is good for when you want a certain material for something, or simply want to level up before you battle further. It’s OK to take time to adjust to this, because in no RPG you can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds.
These are all the Rangers of Oblivion tips and tricks we have for you right now! If you know some other cool tips for fellow players, leave them down in the comments below! We would love to hear your insight and all the suggestions you have about the game!
Published: Jan 23, 2019 12:51 pm