Spirits of Spring, the adventure game formerly known as Silent Enemy, is going to be released on the App Store sometime next month, the team confirmed.
Even though the game’s name has been changed, the premise and the gameplay experience is still the same. Spirits of Spring is a puzzle adventure game starring a young boy called Chiwatin and his two friends, Rabbit and Bear. The boy is not a regular boy, but a really special one who manages to keep balance between Winter and Spring with the help of spirits. Unfortunately some giant crows steal these spirits, disrupting the balance, and bringing a Winter that could never end.
The journey to recover the spirits and restore balance is going to be a really emotional one, according to the team. Spirits of Spring will explore a variety of themes like bullying and the power of friendship that helps overcoming it. This, together with the unique setting and gameplay features will definitely make the game an experience to remember
Spirits of Spring will be released this October on the App Store. A precise release date and pricing have yet to be confirmed at the time. More on the matter will surely come soon so stay tuned for all the latest updates.
Published: Sep 20, 2014 08:25 am