Fly into the exciting anime world of Super Mecha Champions, a mecha-themed battle royale game! Drop into a futuristic city and fight off against 99 other players in a struggle to be the last one standing! Once your efforts are recognized, you will be able to call in a massive mecha into the battlefield to decimate your foes! Our Super Mecha Champions cheats and tips will show you how to play the battlefield to your advantage!
Super Mecha Champions, like most battle royale games, it all about being prepared, well-equiped, and ready for any situation. Let’s get started with our Super Mecha Champions cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide to win your battles!
Drop into the rare item zones!
When you are walking around the map, you will notice that upon entering a new area the game will let you know the frequency of items spawns in that particular area. We like to drop into the high item zones and make a mad dash for the best items before anyone can get them.
One particular zone we like to frequent is Ayumi Castle. It has the advantage of being pretty close to the center of map, meaning that you can go wherever you want afterwards. More often than not, you will find a lot of purple weapons and items inside the castle, making it our favorite go-to spot.
Gear up before you fight other players!
To improve your odds of winning a fire fight, it is important to gear up before you try to take on other players. Remember that all items and weapons have rarity. Gray items being the most common, then it goes green, blue, purple, and finally yellow. Yellow weapons are exclusive weapons that you can only find in the supply drops, so keep that in mind.
You should have a full set of armor before fighting. You can get leg, chest, and head protection for your pilot, and the higher rarity it is the less damage you take. Try to have a full set of weapons as well.
Use items to help you out!
There are various items that can be extremely helpful. You can quick-use items by tapping the button to the left of your health bar. There are the obvious health packs that can restore your health, but there are also items that quickly charge up your mecha gauge, allowing you to call it in faster. Use these whenever you get them!
Use the deployable vehicles!
In addition to the support items, you may also find blueprints that allow you to summon a vehicle into battle. The most basic vehicle is a hoverboard. This allows you to get around faster, and it makes you a harder target to hit in a fire fight. The second vehicle is called a “deformed car”, which is basically a mounted gun walker. These mini mechs are quite durable and can sustain some hits before they blow up, making them perfect for taking on mechs.
If you have a blueprint, go ahead and summon it and use it right away. They last until they are destroyed or you abandon them, so there is no point in saving them.
Be careful about engaging mechas on foot!
When a player summons a mecha into battle, you should do your best to stay out of their path of destruction if you are on foot – mechas, as you can probably guess, are packed with sheer power and can take out pilots with a few shots. If you hear or see a mecha nearby and you are on foot, steer clear and head in the opposite direction and do your best not to grab their attention!
However, if you are forced into a situation where you must fight, try to stick to small areas with lots of cover. You can lose mechas easily thanks to the size difference, and little corridors or hideaways are perfect for confusing them. Make sure you have anti-mecha weapons, like the Ion Cannon engaging.
Try out different mechas!
You can call any mecha you have unlock into battle once your mecha gauge is charged. Each mecha has their own strengths and weaknesses – for example, Arthur excels at close range engagements, while Fox is a tanky beast that takes a lot to bring down. You should try them all out at least once to get a feel for their abilities. This will help you decide which mecha to call into a real battle!
That’s all for Super Mecha Champions! If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Jul 30, 2019 03:39 am