So, mighty hero, you have chosen the job of Archer in Ragnarok Origin? A fine choice for both solo players and members of party, and one of the more powerful classes available. Now you have chosen your role you will no doubt want to know where is best to allocate your points and raise your stats.
Keep scrolling to find some super helpful hints and tips on the best Ragnarok Origin Archer build to make your character the strongest it can be!
How to Create the Best Archer Build in Ragnarok Origin
Since you have completed the tutorial and learned some basic skills as an adventurer you should be at level 10 and ready to choose your class. This is a big decision and your choice really depends on your personal play style and if you prefer to play solo or with friends (or both!)
Archer Stat Build
If you have chosen to be the Archer as your first job you are likely to be focussing mainly on Solo play, but would also make a good support team mate. The Archer’s strengths are accuracy and dexterity, being a great support to a team by firing off arrows from afar or staying on the move with great agility to avoid attacks.

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Some stats are not useful to a ranged DPS class like the Archer. STR and INT are for melee and magic heroes, and although VIT may be useful for the max. HP boost, it is not what we would recommend focussing on. Instead, an Archer should be spreading their Attribute Points on DEX, LUK, and AGI.
This stat spread will help you build a mighty powerful Archer (base level 10) who progresses into Hunter as a second job (base level 40), and then Sniper as their third and ultimate job (base level 70).
All Ragnarok Origin available stats
As you play and level up you will accrue Attribute Points which you spend on raising your stats. It is not recommended that you spend your points on every stat on the board, however, but instead focus on strengthening stats specific to your class. The available stats are:
- STR – to increase melee weapon damage and max. inventory weight
- AGI – to increase attack speed and FLEE (the ability to dodge some attacks)
- VIT – to increase max. HP, defense, and HP regeneration
- INT – to increase magic attack, max SP, and SP regeneration
- DEX – to increase damage of ranged weapons, casting speed and hit chance
- LUK – to increase critical rate and critical defense
How to level up in Ragnarok Origin
Get more Attribute Points to spend on stats by leveling up as much as possible. You can level up quickly by doing any and all of the following:
- Quests: do any of your Daily Quests that reward you with EXP, take part in Story Quests, Side Quests and Adventure Quests as they award EXP even when you are fatigued.
- AFK Grinding: grind until your Combat Time has run out to earn EXP. This could be done before doing some of the questing as your character will be fatigued after hours of grinding but still available to do some side quests.
If you still need some help understanding how to play and progress in Ragnarok Origin, visit our beginner’s guide which is full of great tips!
Published: Apr 10, 2023 11:16 AM UTC