Dead Space offers a myriad of unique monsters called Necromorphs—mutated corpses that take horrific forms with only one goal in mind, to spread the recombinant extraterrestrial infection. With more than fifteen unique monsters, many wonders which ones are the scariest ones?
Seeing that, we prepared this handy list ranking Dead Space’s top five scariest monsters.
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Top 5 Scariest Monsters in Dead Space
Here are the five scariest monsters in Dead Space that you must be aware of while exploring the USG Ishimura.
5. PregnantÂ
As the name suggests, the pregnant Necromorphs have a swollen belly that glows yellow—making players think of it as a weak point, only to realize it’s a trap; as when they shoot it, several child Infector-type Nechromorphs attack Isaac.
4. GuardiansÂ
The Guardians are Necromorphs who only have a Torso attached to flesh that covers walls and, sometimes, an entire section. They stay silent, but as soon as you are near them, they groan, screech, and attack you with their Tentacles.
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What more terrifying are the ones that throw a lump of flesh that shoots projectile-based attacks on you. Going near them will kill you most viscerally in one shot.
3. Twitchers
The Twitchers are the ones that we fear the most. They are introduced during Chapter 9 when Isaac makes his way to the military ship, USM Valor, where the soldiers equipped with Stasis Modules are turned into Nechromorphs—The Twitchers.
What makes them more terrifying is their back-and-forth movement and their speed. They can close in gaps within seconds, giving you almost no time to react.
2. LurkersÂ
The Lurkers are child Nechromorphs with three tentacles that shoot projectiles. As the name suggests, they lurk on walls, ceilings, hidden corners, and other such places.
1. Leapers
The Leapers are the most terrifying monsters in Dead Space. And this is because they can leap onto you from a far distance. This is all good and fine when you are on the ground, as you can use your Stasis Module to slow them down and deal with them.
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However, the set pieces where you are in anti-gravity zones with no light and the Leapers groaning sound raising your heartbeat while you use ADS to use the Torch attached to your weapon to look for them while they prey on you.
That concludes our guide on the top five scariest monsters in Dead Space.
Dead Space Remake is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. For more guides, news, features, and other content on Dead Space Remake, check out our dedicated section.
Published: Jan 31, 2023 02:31 am