The brand new and highly anticipated Toy Rush game is finally available worldwide to all iOS-powered device owners. We’re not going to talk right now about how amazing this game is, and instead we’ll get straight to the point with some Toy Tush cheats, tips and tricks that will create the ultimate strategy guide here at Touch Tap Play. The best part? We’re not sharing anything illegal like hacking and other such tools, because we believe that our tips and tricks are more powerful than anything and it’s also more fun to get better at the game by yourself.
So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below some Toy Tush tips and tricks in our strategy guide!
1. Early on, use all your tickets before attacking
When I first started playing the game, I wasn’t aware that I was actually wasting tickets in the single player missions by not spending the ones that I already had. There are some valuable cards that I’ve lost, so make sure that you don’t do the same mistake: always spend all your tickets on getting card packs, right before heading into the single player missions.
2. Use as few cards as possible per attack
I see people attacking my base with 10 or so cards or with super strong cards and they never get back the value they spent in tickets. Make sure you don’t do the same: although your goal is to defeat the enemies you attack, you should also try to make a profit so send as few monsters into battle as possible to get your win!
3. Invest in a tower pack
Tower cards are not that easy to find, so buying one early on saves you from a lot of trouble, since you will actually have something to defend your base with. Because, trust me, you will get attacked A LOT!
4. Be smart when it comes to upgrading your buildings
Go for the Piggy Bank first because you need to be able to hold as many tickets as possible. Follow it with your command center, and then the defensive towers. I’d focus on the Rubber Bands since they shot any target, and then the Marble Shooter because it has such a huge area it can cover. The Ticket Bot? Not so important for quite a while because you will have more tickets that you can stock up anyway.
5. Constantly purchase Card Packs
Spend all your tickets on getting new card packs, and do it as often as possible. Always buy first the most expensive card packs that you can afford and either wait to raise more tickets or buy one level below. The truth is that after a point, attacking with common cards will not bring you a victory.
6. Avoid attack bases you can’t beat
Unlike other similar games, Toy Rush doesn’t allow you to search for a new enemy easily if you don’t like the one you’ve been matched with. However, you can still tap the “Skip battle” button and you’ll be taken back to your base, without losing any points (however, the tickets will be spent). It’s better, though, than starting a battle against a really tough opponent and just losing cards.
7. Evolve your Super Toy
Don’t forget about a very important monster in your hand: the Super Toy. You can evolve it over and over again and greatly improve your chances in battle. In order to evolve it, you need to feed it cards. Right now the otherwise useless Plush Decor cards give it a lot of XP points, so make sure you feed all the decor cards to your monster and not place them around your base. Do so quickly, because most likely this will be nerfed in a future update. And from then on, it’s going to be more difficult to upgrade your Super Toy monster. but it’s a must to do so!
8. How to build the perfect defense
Although we’re going to have a dedicated article to this topic, it has to be said here too: you need to create a road that is as long as possible, so that the attacking monsters have to spend as much time trying to reach the end. Check out my placement for a good base layout:
The idea of having the road on the margins and the towers in the middle is good from two reasons: you will give the monsters a lot of distance to cover and your towers will cover a lot more space. Of course, in the example, I use a very low level Command Center (level 3), but the idea will remain the same as the base grows. Also, make sure that you place traps and tower power to your best towers to increase your chances of winning.
9. Don’t use the Ticket bonuses!
At least not until you can actually hold as many in the piggy bank. I still have a +3,000 Tickets card waiting to be used up as soon as my Piggy bank is big enough to hold all of them. If you use it before you get there, you are just wasting tickets and, automatically, great cards!
10. How to win your attack in Toy Rush
Actually, the thing is not only to win your attack, but win it smart. If you spend all your cards and you just get 200 tickets, that’s not an attack you can be proud with winning! Adapt your strategy and use as few cards as possible, but make sure that you don’t send too few of them and they won’t make it to the end. Send some tanks (like the Bowlerpuff) first to draw fire, then set a speed booster (Overdrive) and send your more powerful troops. Take advantage of what you have and don’t be afraid to use your cards to win an attack. But be smart about it because the more cards you save, the more successful attacks you can launch!
And this would be it for now in terms of Toy Rush tips and tricks, but we’re playing hard this amazing game and we’ll make sure to post more strategy guide articles to help you out!
Published: May 15, 2014 6:12 PM UTC