If you’ve reached Jubilife City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you’ve probably come across the area that houses the GWS. Before you can make your way to check out this large and mysterious building, a lady will stop you in your tracks and block your progress, telling you that the GWS isn’t ready yet.
It doesn’t matter if you get all the gym badges, become the Sinnoh Champion, or catch every Pokemon available—whenever you come back to Jubilife City, the woman will continue to tell you that the GWS isn’t ready. Well then, when the heck will it ever be ready?
If you want to know everything about the GWS, including what is inside the GWS in Jubilife City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, then you’re in the right place. Just read on ahead!
What is Inside the GWS in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?
Since the GWS isn’t a feature that is officially implemented into the game, no one actually knows what the GWS contains or what can be done inside. Everyone’s best hunch is that we will be able to make Wonder Trades, which entail trading for a random Pokemon with another player, since GWS stands for Global “Wonder” Station.
Recently, our suspicions have been confirmed, as Pokemon YouTuber BLAINES released a video of him utilizing the Pokemon BDSP Menu Glitch to get past the lady blocking your way and actually entering the GWS.
The video showed the inside of the building, with a couple of unimportant NPCs, and the lady behind the counter responsible for—as you guessed it—Wonder Trades. Sadly, the feature can’t be utilized at the moment, as it isn’t officially implemented into the game, and will be added into a future patch.
What do you think of the GWS? Are you excited to be able to make some mysterious Wonder Trades? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Published: Jan 8, 2022 12:53 PM UTC