With enough Wen and spiritual training, players can unlock powerful elemental “breathing” styles in Project Slayers, the Roblox anime fantasy action game. Once you unlock breathing styles, you gain access to powerful elemental skills that can devastate your opponents, but they require breath to use. Today, we’ll answer the question: What is the max breathing level in Project Slayers?
Project Slayers Max Breathing Level
To unlock a breathing style, you must first achieve level 12 and possess 5,000 Wen. You must also be a human and not a demon. Once you meet these conditions, seek out a trainer and pay the fee to unlock a breathing style.
At first, you start out with Weak Lungs, the base level of any breathing style. Your maximum breath is 75, and you slowly lose breath over time when you’re not generating it.
Obviously, this is not ideal for intense periods of combat, so thankfully there’s a way to improve your breathing. Visit the gourd shop in Butterfly Mansion, and you can purchase gourds that improve your concentration, which furthers your breathing training.

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In order to improve your breathing technique, you must purchase 7 small, 7 medium, and 3 large gourds, in that order. You must use the small and medium gourds first, as they are required to unlock the large ones. This will cost you a total of 6,650 Wen.
Once you do this, your breathing technique will upgrade to Strong Lungs, which increases your maximum breath up to 95, and it no longer decays whenever you’re not generating it.
To reach the final level of breathing technique, you must purchase 10 large gourds, which will cost you 7,000 Wen. Once you purchase the last gourd, your breathing will become Total Concentration Breathing!
Total Concentration Breathing gives you a max breath level of 115, and you passively regenerate breath over time, as long as you’re not using skills. This is the max breathing level, and you can now unleash havoc upon your foes.
That concludes our guide on the max breathing level in Project Slayers. We hope we answered your questions, and if you have any inquiries, please let us know in the comments below!
Published: Jul 27, 2022 11:37 PM UTC