Slayers Unleashed is an anime RPG based on the popular Demon Slayer anime and manga. This game will allow the player or team of players to customize their character and learn the abilities and talents of their heroes to determine their future fate. Players can also apply to join a powerful clan to increase their strength, master the breathing technique, and ultimately become the best version of themselves. In our guide, you can find out which is the rarest clan in the game Slayers Unleashed.
What is the Rarest Clan in Slayers Unleashed?
In this game, there are many different clans that give different bonuses. The better the rarity of the clan, the better the bonus it gives. We have compiled the top 3 rarest clans in Slayers Unleashed.
The list will start from least rare to most rare.
- Clan Agatsuma
Rarity: 20%;
Clan Feature: Increases damage by 1.3 times when using thunder moves.
- Clan Urokodaki
Rarity: 40%;
Clan Feature: Will give a free Tengu mask in the player’s inventory in the future.
The rarest clan that can be in Slayers Unleashed:
3. Tomioka clan
Rarity: 60%;
Clan Feature: Gives 1.2x damage when using water moves.
We hope our guide was useful to you and you were able to find out which is the rarest clan in the game Slayers Unleashed.
Published: Mar 10, 2022 06:32 am