There are lots of Pokemon that you can catch and add to your collection in Pokemon Go. This game allows you to become a legendary Pokemon Trainer. However, you won’t be able to do so without catching a special Pokemon called Ditto. This species is able to turn into Pokemon of other species and you won’t be able to encounter Ditto in its standard form. So, if you want to catch it, you need to know all the possible transformations of Ditto. This guide will tell you about Pokemon that are able to spawn as Ditto in Pokemon Go.
Ditto Transform List in Pokemon Go
Ditto in Pokemon Go is quite an interesting creature. This Pokemon species is tricky to encounter, as it is able to transform into Pokemon of other species. Therefore, you can’t see Ditto on your radar, and if you want to catch it, you will need to hunt for the Pokemon species that Ditto can be transformed into. Here is the list of all Pokemon species that Ditto can imitate:
- Drowzee
- Dwebble
- Foongus
- Gastly
- Gulpin
- Numel
- Remoraid
- Stunky
- Teddiursa
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If you fight one of these Pokemon, then you always have a chance that it will be a hiding Ditto instead of what it was originally categorized as. However, this list always changes, so you should monitor these updates if you want to catch Ditto. This Pokemon is good enough as it is able to mimic the Pokemon you fight.
Published: Jan 9, 2022 12:47 PM UTC