Co-op plays a significant part in Dying Light 2. Exploring Villedore, taking part in activities, completing quests, and taking on Zs with a plus one is always a pleasure. But since the Co-Op or online multiplayer feature is not available from the get-go, many new players want to know when you unlock multiplayer in Dying Light 2.
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Seeing that, we prepared this Dying Light 2 guide, explaining the Co-Op play while talking about when does actually multiplayer unlocks and how you can use it to play with other players.
When Do You Unlock Multiplayer in Dying Light 2?

In Dying Light 2, you unlock the Multiplayer option by completing the quest Markers of Plague. Once that is done, you will get access to the Online Menu in the pause menu and the shortcut Co-Op play features.
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While there is no cross-platform play in Dying Light 2, you can still use Quick Join in the Online Menu to randomly join a co-op session or use the Find Games option to find a suitable one for you.
If you want to host a game, you can set certain parameters and the basics, like who can join your session and who cannot.
That aside, in Co-Op, only the host’s progression is counted, like completing any kind of quest, including the main story. The Co-Op partner’s progress is not counted when they return to their world. But they are allowed to keep weapons, items, cash, and other such things.
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It is a shame as if you were planning on playing the entire game with your buddy, you can do it, but one of you will have to do the same quests again.
That is it. Now you know the answer to the question about when you unlock multiplayer in Dying Light 2. That concludes our guide.
For more on Dying Light 2, check out our dedicated Guides section.
Dying Light 2 is an action-horror game available on Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch platforms.
Published: Dec 28, 2022 9:17 AM UTC