The Underwater City is a mysterious island in the First Sea of Blox Fruits, known for its elusive location and hidden treasures. However, this underwater island is notorious for being frustratingly difficult to locate, which can discourage even the most experienced players. If you’re struggling to find the Underwater City, you’re not alone. Use this guide to reach the Underwater City in Blox Fruits.
Roblox Blox Fruits: Underwater City Location
Before you begin your journey to Underwater City, you should know its level requirement. Like many other areas in the game, you’ll need to meet a certain level cap to access it. Specifically, players must reach level 375 or higher to be able to enter the Underwater City. If you’re not quite there yet, focus on leveling up and strengthening your character before searching for Underwater City.
Underwater City is one of the 14 main islands in the First Sea. As the name suggests, this mysterious city is deep beneath the ocean’s surface. To access it, players must navigate to the southwest of Frozen Village and locate the whirlpool surrounded by three large islands.
You can spot the three islands on the right side by going towards Prison from Frozen Village. Cranking up the graphics settings can help you spot the islands. While the whirlpool may be difficult to spot initially, it’s relatively easy to find once you know what to look for. Keep in mind that the Underwater City is located near the map border.
Also Read | Blox Fruits: How to Get to the Second Sea
Finding Underwater City becomes much easier if you have a Recommended Quest marker leading you to the whirlpool. However, this marker only pops up when you have to take a quest in Underwater City. After entering the Underwater City, you can talk to the Water Kung Fu Teacher to learn Water Kung Fu for $ 750,000.
While you are here, you can check out our guide on awakening devil fruits in Blox Fruits. These fruits will help you increase levels and ultimately reach Underwater City.
Published: Apr 10, 2023 11:11 am