Dragon Ball Legends is a video game based on the Dragon Ball Manga, in which players can play as some of their favorite and most iconic characters from Akira Toriyama’s work and participate in spectacular 3D battles. The battles take place in real-time, so players are able to directly control their characters when moving, attacking, or dodging, but with a little twist. The actions are also determined by a series of cards with energy requirements, which adds an element of strategy to otherwise brute battles.
That’s not all! In Dragon Ball Legends, players can engage in global PvP. As the player continues to beat challenges, they will unlock a lot of familiar characters, although there is also an original character created just for the game, with a new plot arc designed by Toriyama himself!
Dragon Ball Legends is a great fighting game that borrows many features from the desktop releases, such as the great character design and animations, and gameplay with a close-up third-person perspective.
Winning battles and completing quests rewards players with some of the in-game currency called Zeni. But what can players really do with Zeni?
Zeni is the in-game currency of Dragon Ball Legends. It is acquired by completing quests and challenges throughout the game.
Zeni is actually used for pretty much everything in the game (apart from Premium coins) and here are a few notable uses.
What can you spend Zeni on
In the beginning stages of the game, players would generally feel like they have a lot of Zeni to spend and nothing to spend it on. Well, that’s because most of the major expenditure happens in the late game and on specific things.
Some of the best uses of Zeni are as follows:
- Soul Boosting Characters
- Re-rolling Equipment (to get better stats on them)
- Upgrading Zenkai Levels
If there is still more Zeni left over, why not visit the Store to see if there are any worthy Zeni purchases to be made? Generally, there is a lot of Seasonal content every season for players to purchase. Every time a refresh occurs, there should be something different to buy!
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Published: Feb 16, 2022 01:41 pm