Ottar The Merchant is one of the three Merchants in V Rising whom you find in the game to purchase some late game and other much-needed materials you need to progress your character and the game. However, not every player is aware of where to find Ottar the Merchant in V Rising.
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Seeing that, we prepared a handy guide that shares the location of Ottar the Merchant in V Rising while talking about how you can reach there.
Where to Find Ottar the Merchant in V Rising

In V Rising, you can find, Ottar, the Merchant in the Brighthaven Slums area of the Silverlight Hills region. Thankfully! He doesn’t change position around the map. And you can always find him inside his shop at the Brighthaven Slums.
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You can teleport to the Silverlight Hills Waygate and make your way towards the Brighthaven Slums. Or, you can use your own method of getting to Ottar’s location.
In any case, once you are there. Get inside Ottar’s shop and interact with him to check out what items he is selling in the store. You can exchange the items using Silver, the in-game currency in V Rising.
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That aside, we have two more merchants, namely Gavyn the Shady Dealer and Berk the Traveling Trader who also sell some of the most useful items that you will be needing to power up your character and for other tasks and activities.
If you are having a hard time finding Ottar the Merchant in V Rising. Let us know in the comments, and we will try to help you.
V Rising is an action survival MMO game available on the PC platform.
Published: Jul 25, 2022 1:39 PM UTC