Shindo Life is the highly popular Roblox game based on the popular anime and manga series, Naruto. The Shindo-Rengoku, or Shindai-Ren, is an Eye Bloodline dropped by the Shindai Rengoku boss from the Shindai Rengoku Event.
Shindai-Rengoku’s moveset revolves around Clone Creation, powerful Flame style Ninjustsu, and large area-of-effect attacks, which is a variation of Rengoku and has a variation named Shindai-Rengoku-Yang.
Where to Find Shindai Rengoku in Shindo Life
As we have mentioned, in order to get the Shindai Rengoku, you will need to defeat a boss with the same name. Follow the exact steps below in order to get the Shindai Rengoku:
- Start up the game
- Hit Play
- Select Ember on the map
- Spawn in Ember
- Click on the Teleport option on the top-right of the screen when your character spawns to enter the event
- The event will then start with a cutscene showing various characters such as Shindai Rengoku, Borumaki, Ghost, and others
- You are given the option to fight Shindai Rengoku either alone, or with the other players playing on the server with you
- Once you have beaten the boss, you will have the chance to get the Shindai Rengoku Eye Bloodline
We did say that you will have the ‘chance’ to obtain the Shindai Rengoku Eye Bloodline. This is because the drop is not guaranteed, and you will have a relatively small chance to get the drop. To be precise, you have a 1 in 25 chance that you get the Shindai Rengoku Eye Bloodline.
Published: Mar 4, 2022 05:22 am