There are various types of science resource nodes that you can find in different across the Slime Rancher 2 world. These science resources can be harvested to obtain different resources that can be used to craft multiple gadgets and other items from the fabricator.
So to be able to use these items, you will have to find and keep those resources in the refinery and can’t sell them. Radiant Ore is one of the rare resources to find in the game. So without further ado, this article will guide you on where to find Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2.
Where to Find Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2
Radiant Ore is one of the early game resources that you’ll be required before you can craft the jetpack from the fabricator. However, you’ll have to delve deep into the world around you and investigate certain areas before you can get your hands on Radiant Ore.
Finding Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2 ultimately comes down to how you progress in the game as well as unlocking different areas until you find the Ore. Radiant Ore can only be found in the second areas on Starland Strand and Ember Valley.
And you can access these two-second locations by activating the teleporter which is hidden behind a Cotton Gordo and a Pink Gordo where big Slimes will be blocking your path. Cotton Gordo is on the south side of the first island you start the game, while Pink Gordo is to the north, where you first encountered the Tabby Slimes.
The only way you can get past the slime is to feed it with some food. Vegetables will work for the Cotton Gordo and pretty much anything will do for the Pink Gordo. Water Lettuce goes best because it’s a favourite of the Cotton slime.
Upon reaching the Starlight Strand island, you won’t find a Radiant Ore even if you search all of the main areas. You can only find one by unlocking the hidden doors throughout Starlight Strand. These doors require you to use a plort of a particular slime and the slime you’ll need to use will vary based on the statue of the slime that’s indicated by the plort slot.
You’ll need to explore a few of these hidden doors to find Radiant Ore as it is certainly in one of them. When you have enough Ore, take them back to your base and commence the construction of better gadgets like the jetpack.
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Where to Find Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2