Omega Strikers Meta Explained: Teams, Builds and More


Omega Strikers is an exciting game that combines elements of MOBA and football. It has a huge list of characters that you can choose from and you will have to use their skills to defeat your opponents. It seems that there are lots of new players who don’t understand how to play this game. In this guide, we will explain Omega Strikers meta to you and will tell you about the best teams, builds, and more.

Best Builds in Omega Strikers

Omega Strikers has a huge list of characters and each of them has a unique set of skills. These abilities determine the hero’s playstyle and battlefield role. So, when you choose a certain character you should try to use it correctly.

There are some characters that are good at offense while others prefer defense. However, the game also has a few all-round heroes who are able to take all battlefield roles. In order to make your characters stronger, you will have to choose a few perks called Trainings. There are lots of these things and you will need to pick them wisely.

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Your build is able to make your character stronger and you should pay more attention to what Trainings you choose. If you want to learn some good builds you can check more guides on our website. We have different articles related to various Omega Strikers characters and the best builds for them.

Best Teams in Omega Strikers

The current Omega Strikers meta lays toward balanced teams that include characters of all types. You should choose an aggressive forward, a backline supporter, and a goalkeeper. Such a team will work great in the current meta. Here are a couple of examples of good teams in Omega Strikers:

These are some of the best teams in the current meta and you can use them to defeat your opponents. However, you are not forbidden to choose some unpopular character and take your enemies by surprise. Good luck with your further Omega Strikers battles!

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Omega Strikers Meta Explained: Teams, Builds and More


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