How to Get and Use the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb


There is a huge amount of different roguelike games and one of the most exciting among them is called Cult of the Lamb. This project features lots of items that you can put on your character and fleeces are some of the most useful artifacts. They provide you with helpful passive skills and now we are going to tell you about one of them. This guide will explain to you how to get and use the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb.

How to Use the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb has a huge roster of different artifacts that you will be able to find and use. The Golden Fleece is one of these items and it provides you with great passive bonuses. So, let’s take a closer look at this thing.

Basically, the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb increases your damage each time you kill an opponent. However, this effect will be lost if you take a hit. Also, the fleece doubles the damage your character receives. So, this item will be really helpful if you are an experienced player who can use it properly.

Related: Where to Find the Cult of the Lamb OST: Soundtrack Guide

How to Get the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb

The Golden Fleece is a great artifact and it is really useful for those who can avoid incoming attacks. However, if you are a new player then you shouldn’t use this item as it will likely make you vulnerable.

In order to get the Golden Fleece, you will need to open the temple altar and unlock it with the Holy Talisman. These things can be obtained from different quests like the one that asks you to catch all types of fish for the Fisherman.

There are lots of cool artifacts that may be helpful in Cult of the Lamb. If you are a player that is able to successfully dodge attacks then we highly recommend you to try this fleece. Good luck in your further runs!

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How to Get and Use the Golden Fleece in Cult of the Lamb


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