In the exciting Hungry Shark World, you have to play as a shark and eat everything in the ocean and on the shore. To advance in the game, you will unlock different sharks, the power of which is very different. In this guide, we are going to tell you about Mecha Sharkjira.
What is Mecha Sharkjira
Mecha Sharkjira is the fourth shark from the Apex tab. This is the most tenacious shark judging by the level of health of all sharks in the game. However, it ranks third in strength. Mecha Sharkjira can eat anything except a few types of jellyfish and several types of mines. Its Atomic Blast ability can destroy anything. After you use all Atomic Blast, the ultimate will allow you to be destroyed by making a huge explosion and destroying everything around.
RELATED: How to Farm Gems Fast in Hungry Shark World
How to Get Mecha Sharkjira
To unlock Mecha Sharkjira you will have to complete a lot of quests because to unlock shark you need to collect 90 schematics. And to unlock the ultimate ability, you need to collect 128 Schematics.
You can earn them by completing shark quests. Each shark has 4 quests, 3 of them are immediately available and 4 open after the successful completion of the first 3. In general, for all 4 quests, you can get 5 Schematics. But if you do not want to complete the quest, then you can always complete the quests simply by spending Gems. For each shark, the number of gems for skipping the task is different. Now that you’ve unlocked it, you need to buy it for 6000 Pearls. You will have to try to earn enough by playing Extinction Mode.
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How to Get Mecha Sharkjira in Hungry Shark World