How to See Chunk Borders on Minecraft Bedrock Edition

How to See Chunk Borders on Minecraft Bedrock Edition

In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, players can build amazing structures, including mechanized farms. However, you may face the problem that, for some reason, your building does not work in some parts. Perhaps during the construction, you did not take into account the Chunks. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to see Chunk Borders.

What is Chunk?

The world generator divides the whole world into Chunks. It is a block that is 256 blocks high and 16 blocks long and wide. Once the Chunk is loaded into memory, the Chunk will begin activities such as water flow, spawning mobs, and so on. The same goes for the Redstone buildings. You’ll need to select Chunk Borders to build in loaded Chunks.

How to See Chunk Borders

On the internet, you can find third-party sites, resource packs, texture packs, and mods that can help you find Chunk Borders. We offer an option using only in-game resources—you only need leaves of any type.

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Since we know that the Chunk is 16 by 16, then draw a line of 40 blocks of leaves that exactly intersects the three Chunks. Now measure 7 blocks from either end of the constructed line and draw another line 40 blocks perpendicular. The first block of the new line is the 7th block of the first line.

Now open your graphics settings and enable Fancy Leaves. Next, you need to place a block near the end of any of the lines. You will be able to see how some of the blocks have changed the graphics. You need to mark the border and repeat the same with the second line, starting with the step of enabling the Fancy Leaves.

All you have to do is connect the two borders that you marked, and count and mark the other two borders so that the size of each side is 16 blocks. Then you can simply count 16 blocks from the found Chunk.

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How to See Chunk Borders on Minecraft Bedrock Edition


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