How to Swim Through Energy Clouds in Fortnite

fortnite energy cell challenge

Part 8 Fortnite Vibin’ Bonus Goals is live and players are tasked with finding the Seven Comm Device Energy Cell, then charging it by swimming through Energy Clouds. The first few Energy Clouds are easy enough to find but some players may have difficulty finding the rest. If you need some pointers, just follow the guide below and find out how to swim through Energy Clouds in Fortnite.

Finding and Swimming Through Energy Clouds in Fortnite

After establishing a device link at one of the 8 available locations near Tilted Tower, Coney Crossroads, or Shifty Shafts, players must hunt for the Seven Comms Device near Loot Lake. To finish this set of quests in one match it is best to land at the device link at Tilted Towers, then move straight to Loot Lake.

fortnite energy cloud charge cell
Swim through each energy cloud in Fortnite (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

Find the Seven Comms Device at the eastern end of Loot Lake, and interact with it. You will be told to then take the depleted Energy Cell through 10 Energy Clouds hidden in and around Loot Lake. As long as you do not run into any sweaty players, you can easily achieve this in one match.

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You must be swimming through Loot Lake to complete this task, as it will not count if you are in a boat. The first set of Energy Cells are nearest to the Seven Comms Device, and the last lot are positioned around the island in the middle of the lake.

fortnite energy clouds
Each energy cloud shows up when you are near (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

Swim through each one to charge the Energy Cell, and then return to the Seven Comms Device. That should then show this Vibin’ Bonus Goal as completed and reward you with your bonus XP!

If you need any further guidance on these or any other, Vibin’ Bonus Goals, check out our full guide. Good luck!

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How to Swim Through Energy Clouds in Fortnite


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