The new Fortnite season is here and brings some exciting additions to your game. There are new weapons, locations, and cool new features such as phasing through chrome walls. Another new feature is a player mechanic added to sliding: the slide kick. Find out below how to perform a slide kick in Fortnite.
How to Do a Slide Kick in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4
You will probably already know about sliding in Fortnite but let’s refresh the concept for you quickly. Sliding was introduced back in Chapter 3 Season 1, with mantling and sprinting coming in the following season.
You can initiate the slide mechanic by holding down the Crouch action button while walking or sprinting. It is not possible to slide uphill (at least not for long!), but sliding downhill or after a sprint will give you increased speed. You can build and shoot at enemies while sliding, or use Med Spray to heal up but you cannot use Med Kits or Shield Potions when you are sliding.

This season sees collision added to the sliding mechanic so now we can bash into other players as we slide, causing them to bounce backward. The kick itself does not cause any damage but if it is used tactically you can fling players from high places, causing fall damage.
Related: How to Obtain the Chromebrella in Fortnite

If you find yourself up high, sprint at another player then slide at them, you will collide with them and cause them to leap backwards. If they are near an edge of the building they will get fall damage. A fun way to eliminate an enemy player!

Related: How to Become a Chrome Blob in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4
Next time you fire up Fortnite, maybe practice the Slide Kick in Team Rumble and perfect the action before trying it in Battle Royale solos or squads.
That is all we have on this new movement mechanic! Next, why not check out another new way to move around the island map? Good luck!
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How to Perform a Slide Kick in Fortnite