How to Get Detailed Planks in Raft


Raft is an ocean survival game where you start out with a small little raft, only to end up with a massive ship by the end of the game. While most of the things you can craft are for survival, the game also features a variety of decorative objects to make your raft feel a little more like home. Today, we’ll show you how to get Detailed Planks in Raft!

Where and How to Get Detailed Planks

Are you an expert builder who has a keen eye for decoration? If so, you may want to look into Detail Planks, a new decorative building option added in the latest update to Raft.

Detail Planks are special planks that can be pinned down to one location, then freely stretched over to another location, though there is a maximum distance. As the name suggests, you can create some highly detailed creations on your raft with these!

We made a happy face with our Detail Planks. :)

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To get your hands on Detailed Planks, you’ll need access to tier 3 Trading Posts. Trading Posts are those lit-up shacks that you can find on medium and large non-story islands. You can use them to get exotic goods that are hard to get.

At first, Trading Posts will only sell you a small selection of items because they’re at tier 1. In order to upgrade the Trading Posts’ tier, you must sell them enough rare fish. Selling a rare fish to a Trading Post will increase your reputation, and once you have enough reputation, the Trading Post will move up a tier.

To catch rare fish, you need to use bait sold by the Trading Post, starting with the Simple Fishing Bait. Once you get to higher tiers, you can start using better bait.

The highest tier Trading Posts can go up to is tier 3. All Trading Posts share the same tiers and reputation, so you don’t have to worry about going back to any specific Trading Post.

So, you’ll have to buy bait, catch rare fish, and sell them to the Trading Posts to earn reputation. Once you get enough reputation to get to tier 3, you can finally purchase the Blueprint: Detail Plank!

Once you have the blueprint, you should be able to craft Detail Planks right away. The crafting recipe is simple, as all you need is 10 regular Planks to craft 5 Detail Planks.

That concludes our guide how to get Detailed Planks in Raft. If you have any other questions about Detail Planks and how to use them, let us know in the comments below!

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How to Get Detailed Planks in Raft


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