There are lots of different tower defense games and one of the best among them is known as BTD6. It allows you to build various monkey towers and defeat hordes of enemies. The game has a huge list of levels that you can play and the developers add new maps quite often. Today we are going to talk about a new mission that has some interesting features. In this BTD6 strategy guide, we will tell you about the Covered Garden.
What Is Covered Garden in BTD6?

Covered Garden in BTD6 is one of the newest maps in this game. At first look, you may think that it is just a usual map for beginners as it has only one track for balloons. However, you shouldn’t let this level deceive you as it has an interesting feature.
Covered Garden has three glass frames that cover the map. They will be moving during the mission and you will be unable to build or upgrade towers in the areas covered with these things. So, you will be able to interact with only one section of the map while the three others will be locked.
Related: How to Beat Round 95 in BTD6 CHIMPS Mode
How to Beat Covered Garden in BTD6
Even though the Covered Garden map has a tricky feature, it is still relatively easy to beat. First of all, we recommend you use heroes like Sauda, Psi, or Ettene. Also, you could put some Sniper Towers on the bench near the fountain. However, there is a special trick that will make this level easier for you.
In order to avoid all of the Covered Garden map limitations, you can use a small section on the left part of the level. You are able to build some towers outside of the garden. We recommend you put a Heli Pilot there and upgrade it. This helicopter will be able to fly across the map and ignore those glass frames.
BTD6 has many different levels that you can play and hopefully, this guide will help you to complete the Covered Garden. Good luck with your further adventures in this game!
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BTD6 Covered Garden Strategy Guide