How to Farm Energy Material in Tower of Fantasy – Best Method


In Tower of Fantasy, there are a lot of different materials and resources. No secret that energy material is one of the most valuable resources in this game. Read this guide, and you will find out how to farm energy material in Tower of Fantasy. No time to lose. Let’s get started.

Farming Energy Material in Tower of Fantasy 

Energy Material is one of the primary resources in Tower of Fantasy, which is used to upgrade buildings. So, if you want to become really powerful and have a strongly-protected, comfortable base, you should collect a lot of Energy Material. 

However, the building is not the only way where you can use Energy Materials. Also, you can spend material to buy other items in the energy material store. But while exchanging Energy materials, take into account that things in the store are overpriced. So, it would be best if you get them by farming.

And to quickly get Energy Material, you need to kill enemies. However, you will not get resources by simply killing monsters. To obtain Energy Material, you need to enter the Building Mode. After that, you need to head to Mount Sandy. There are 2 locations with monsters that you need to kill.

And when you successfully clear these 2 locations, you need to go to the southwest of the Simple Pier. Here you will find 4 places with monsters that will give you Energy Material. Kill all enemies here and head to Mount Sandy again. Repeat it a few times, and you will get a lot of Energy Material.

Related: How to Find Silver Helmet in Tower of Fantasy

In conclusion, you need to spend a lot of time in the game to get a lot of Energy Material. However, you can use a particular route to speed up the process. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!

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How to Farm Energy Material in Tower of Fantasy – Best Method


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