Infernax All Endings List and Guide

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Image via Berserk Studio.

Do you know all the endings in Infernax? Let us help you here! So, there are main ones and several “bonus” endings:

Do you want to know more about them? Keep reading, not to miss a thing!

Infernax: Endings Guide

Let us please share a guide to the primary endings of Infernax.

The first we want to mention is Ultimate Good. If you are interested in obtaining it, please locate the Necronomicon. It would be best if you had it for banishing Baphomet. Make sure you keep the morality rating at its peak.

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The second is Good. Generally speaking, it is a standard playthrough. Just follow the Ultimate Good path; still, make sure to stop prior to getting to Necronomicon.

The third is Ultimate Evil. The task here is to make the maximum possible quantity of bad choices. You are allowed to miss just 1 nasty action. It will not lower your ultimate evil score. 

And the fourth is Evil. We recommend following the Ultimate Evil path right till the moment when you turn evil. You will understand this once you obtain the new set of gear. After that, you will get the possibility of completing the game regularly, escaping getting the Necronomicon.

So, make your decision on the preferred ending and enjoy playing!

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1 Comment

Infernax All Endings List and Guide


  1. There is also the path of drowsiness (sleep for three days straight at the inn). You’ll get a Super Mario Bros 2 ending with a twist and a new book for you “trouble”.


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