Little Alchemy 2 is a simple yet addictive hyper-casual game and a direct sequel to Little Alchemy—expanding the notion of creating new things by combining a few starter elements. In this guide, we will talk about how to make Chicken in Little Alchemy 2.
Related | How to Make Animal in Little Alchemy 2
How to Make Chicken in Little Alchemy 2
You can combine the below elements and items in Little Alchemy 2 to make Chicken.
Note – make sure to combine the items in the same order as shown below, or you will get a different result.
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Air + Lava = Stone
- Puddle + Water = Pond
- Pond + Water = Lake
- Fire + Stone = Metal
- Stone + Stone = Wall
- Earth + Metal = Plow
- wall + Wall = House
- Lake + Water = Sea
- Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
- Earth + Plow = Field
- Energy + Primordial soup = Life
- Fire + Life = Phoenix
- Phoenix + Phoenix = Egg
- Field + House = Barn
- Barn + Egg = Chicken
Now that you know how to make Chicken in Little Alchemy 2, here are few other things that you can make using Chicken.
Related | How to Make Life in Little Alchemy 2
Combine Chicken With | To Obtain |
animal | fox |
axe | meat |
barn | chicken coop |
bbq | chicken wing |
bone | chicken wing |
butcher | meat |
chicken | egg |
container | chicken coop |
corpse | vulture |
dog | fox |
egg | philosophy |
house | chicken coop |
lake | duck |
liquid | chicken soup |
Monster | Cockatrice |
paper | origami |
pond | duck |
sword | meat |
tool | meat |
wall | chicken coop |
water | chicken soup + duck |
wolf | fox |
Little Alchemy 2 is a hyper-casual game currently available on Android, iOS, and PC platforms.
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How to Make Chicken in Little Alchemy 2