How to Auto-Draft in Yahoo Fantasy Football


Yahoo Fantasy Football is one of the most exciting projects related to this kind of sport. There you will need to draft some players and form a decent team. After that, you will be able to participate in different matches and tournaments against other users. The game provides you with various features that will help you to form your team. In this guide, we will tell you how to auto-draft in Yahoo Fantasy Football.

How to Auto-Draft in Yahoo Fantasy Football

There are lots of different sports simulator games that allow you to become a football team manager. However, Yahoo Fantasy Football seems to be one of the most exciting among them and this project gives you tons of opportunities. In order to participate in different championships, you will need to form a decent team.

The game has a huge roster of players that you will have to use to form your team. Also, there are lots of different features that will help you to draft these sportsmen, and today we are going to talk about auto-draft. If you want to know how to set your draft order in this game then you could read our guide that covers this topic.

Related: How to Add a Co-Manager in Yahoo Fantasy Football

In order to auto-draft in Yahoo Fantasy Football, you will need to follow the next steps:

This is how you open the menu where you can change your auto-draft settings. You can choose the most comfortable filters and search for players you would like to focus on. After that, you will need to drag these players to the Preferred Players column. If you don’t want to draft some players you will need to drag them to the Do Not Draft column.

Yahoo Fantasy Football is a very interesting project and we will be glad if this guide will help you to understand how the auto-draft feature works. Good luck in your further tournaments!

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How to Auto-Draft in Yahoo Fantasy Football


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