How to Get the Fantasy Outfit in Tower of Fantasy


Coming hot off the heels of last month’s Seaside Vacation outfit, Tower of Fantasy is soon to be rolling out another new outfit for players to enjoy: the Fantasy outfit! This fancy, regal-looking outfit is great for any Wanderers who are feeling a little posh. Today, we’ll show you how to get the Fantasy outfit in Tower of Fantasy.

How to Get Tower of Fantasy’s New Fantasy Outfit

The Fantasy outfit is an all-black suit with a gold trim. It’s adorned with a black and gold rose and butterfly on your shoulder. It looks quite nice, doesn’t it? The featured image for this article shows off the male Wanderer version, so here’s the female version.

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Right now, the outfit is locked, and all the game tells you is that you can get it from events. If you were around for the Seaside Vacation outfit, you probably already know what that unfortunately means!

Yes, the Fantasy outfit will be acquired from gacha pulls. There is no surefire way to get it, and it can’t be bought directly with real money. You’ll just have to pull on the special banners that pop up and hope for the best.

Hotta Games haven’t confirmed themselves if the outfit will be strictly from gacha pulls, but since it shares the same category of “event” alongside the Seaside Vacation outfit, many players are very sure that this will be the case.

Hotta Games hasn’t released a date for when this gacha will appear, but the community is suspecting a mid-October release. If you’re interested in this outfit, we recommend saving up all your premium currency!

That concludes our guide on how to get the Fantasy outfit in Tower of Fantasy. If you have any other questions, let us know in the comments below!

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How to Get the Fantasy Outfit in Tower of Fantasy


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