Power Tower Color Puzzle Guide in Coromon

Power Tower Color Puzzle Guide in Coromon

Once you start playing Coromon, your tasks will include gathering essence from the various Titans. Voltgar will be your first rival. To meet him, players will first need to solve Mr. Mind’s puzzle. There are multiple approaches to doing so. We have created a detailed guide covering our vision of the best solution to the puzzle. Keep reading to learn more!

How to Solve the Power Tower Color Puzzle in Coromon

The primary task in the Power Tower puzzle in Coromon is to find the correct positions for the four fuses in the right colors and order them correctly.

Each player will have ten tries. After each of them, you will get more data. The difficulty level determines the number of fuses the players get to choose from.

We suggest choosing the following approach: the combination of green, red, yellow, and orange fuses. This is the order we suggest you pick. In our opinion, this combination has the most chances.

RELATED: How to Beat Voltgar in Coromon – Guide, Tips, Tricks

In any case, players will need to test the colors one by one. In case you have placed a fuse in the correct position, right below the green checkmark, you will see a number.

The number under arrows in the orange will hint that you have put the correct color in the wrong spot.

If under the red X, there is a number, this means that the wrong color has been chosen and is wrong in this combination.

Summing up, it may be rather challenging to cope with this puzzle. We recommend being super-attentive and taking your time. Good luck!

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Power Tower Color Puzzle Guide in Coromon


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