How To Find The Skeleton Horseman In Minecraft

a skeleton horseman in minecraft

Minecraft has a lot of hidden tricks and secrets, but one that may be very unknown is the appearance of the Skeleton Horseman. This mysterious figure only appears when very specific conditions happen, some that bloom by a completely random chance. Therefore, you can’t really “make” it appear, but you can learn what will make it show up. This is how to find the Skeleton Horseman in Minecraft.

How Skeleton Horsemen Spawn In Minecraft

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An important tip if you want to see one is to make sure the game is not set to Easy mode, as they have the lowest chance of spawning in this setting.

A skeleton horse in Minecraft.

For a Skeleton Horseman to appear, there has to be a thunderstorm happening. The lighting will cause the skeleton horse to appear on its own at first. If you move with 10 blocks of it, the lighting will hit it, turning it into a skeleton horseman. If the skeleton horse is not approached, it will despawn after 15 minutes. Even if the thunderstorm stops after the skeleton horse spawns, it will still be struck by lighting when approached.

How To Fight The Skeleton Horseman

The skeleton will have enchanted iron armor on. It’s no Ender Dragon boss, but it can be tricky to fight, and if you defeat it, it will drop a lot of experience orbs. The reason it is difficult is that it will usually spawn three other skeleton horsemen along with itself. Therefore, you’ll want to have an enchanted bow and shield to protect yourself.

A group of skeleton horses in Minecraft.

If you manage to destroy the skeletons but not the horses, you can ride them, as they will now be tamed. Skeleton horses can have a saddle and bridle placed on them like a regular horse, but they cannot be bred. You can kill them for bones, but it is not recommended to do so, as they are quite rare. For bones, consider making a skeleton farm.

Finding a Skeleton Horseman takes a lot of patience, but the experience is worth it if you can find the correct conditions. The next time you find lightning in Minecraft, definitely expect a special spawn.

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How To Find The Skeleton Horseman In Minecraft


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