Last year, Phasmophobia received the “Cursed Possessions” update, which added a whole slew of new items to interact with. These cursed items would change how the ghost would behave, and one of the items was a deck of Tarot Cards. Today, we’ll explain everything you need to know in our Phasmophobia all Tarot Cards meaning guide!
List of All Tarot Card Meanings in Phasmophobia
A deck of ten Tarot Cards can be randomly selected as the Cursed Possession for the map, alongside the Music Box, Ouija Board, Voodoo Doll, Haunted Mirror, and Summoning Circle.
If players find the Tarot Cards, they can pick up the deck and draw cards, one by one. There is a grand total of ten types of cards, each with their own chances of being drawn. Some cards grant players beneficial effects, while others are harmful.
The Tarot Cards must be drawn inside the investigation area, as they will not do anything if you’re outside or in the truck. All ten cards in the deck are randomly chosen, so you may get duplicates and some may not show up at all.
It isn’t readily apparent what the Tarot Cards’ effects are most of the time, so our guide will show you all ten cards and what they do, along with their draw chance.

- The Sun (5%): Restores the player’s sanity to 100%
- The Moon (5%): Drops the player’s sanity to 0%.
- The Tower (20%): Triggers a minor interaction.
- The Wheel of Fortune (20%): The player will gain or lose 25% sanity if the card burns with green or red fire, respectively.
- The Devil (10%): Triggers a ghost event.
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- The High Priestess (2%): Revives a random dead player. The resurrection is stored if there are currently no dead players; the next time a player dies, they will be instantly revived on the spot. This effect cannot stack.
- The Hanged Man (1%): The player instantly dies.
- Death (10%): Triggers a cursed hunt. Cursed hunts function similar to normal hunts, but they ignore any sanity values and cooldowns.
- The Hermit (10%): Warps the ghost to their room and locks them in for a minute.
- The Fool (17%): Has no effect other than tricking the player, as it will initially appear as another card before turning into The Fool. Drawing cards during a ghost hunt will always result in The Fool.
That concludes our guide on all Tarot Cards meaning in Phasmophobia. If you have any other tips or questions about the Tarot Cards, let us know in the comments below!
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Phasmophobia: All Tarot Cards Meaning Guide