How to Obtain the Inkquisitor’s Mythic Suppressed SMG in Fortnite

inkquisitor mythic smg fortnite fortnitemares feature

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4’s Halloween event has begun. Fortnitemares 2022 brings new places to explore, new NPCs to meet, and new weapons! One of these weapons is the Mythic Suppressed SMG. This brutal submachine gun belongs to the Inkquisitor, a new enemy NPC who can be summoned to fight. Find out below how to obtain the Inkquisitor’s Mythic Suppressed SMG in Fortnite.

Finding the Mythic Suppressed SMG in Fortnite

The Mythic Supressed SMG belongs to The Inkquisitor who lives in the Grim Gables basement. You will not be able to find him straight away as he needs to be summoned by walking over the eerie symbols on the floor of the basement. When walked over by a player, the fires will be lit, and the symbols will glow red.

Summon the Inkquisitor (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

The Inkquisitor is a boss who will attack on sight so be ready! He uses a Pumpkin Launcher and Firefly Jars both of which can deal great damage when they get a direct hit. When the Inkquisitor appears, deal some damage to him straight away and then move before he throws a jar at you. He will usually throw Firefly Jars and then shoot a Pumpkin rocket.

Attack him before he attacks you! (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

The Inkquisitor is a tough boss but he is definitely beatable if you keep moving. Zombies may pop up out of no where so watch out for them too! The only other thing you should look out for are other players coming to third-party your fight. It can be pretty frustrating to defeat a boss only for another player to come and eliminate you when you are damaged.

Related: How to Find and Use the Pumpkin Launcher in Fortnite

When the Inkquisitor is defeated, he will drop a Pumpkin Launcher, Chug Splash, and his Mythic Suppressed SMG.

The Mythic Suppressed SMG (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

The Mythic Suppressed SMG takes light bullets and can cause 187.2 DPS, with a headshot multiplier of 1.75X. It functions just like a regular submachine gun, but with much better damage and reload stats. Players can also reload while aiming, which is pretty useful.

That is all you need to know about the Mythical Suppressed SMG in Fortnite. Next up, why not check out what else is new in this latest update for Fortnitemares? Good luck.

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How to Obtain the Inkquisitor’s Mythic Suppressed SMG in Fortnite


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