Dual Universe Ship Building Guide (2022)


There are lots of different RPGs that you can find in the modern game industry but only a few of them allow you to build your own ship and explore the universe. Dual Universe is one of these games and there you can make different spacecraft. However, it seems that some players don’t understand how to create a proper vessel. So, in this Dual Universe ship building guide, we will give you a couple of basic tips that may help you.

Ship Building Tips for Dual Universe

Dual Universe is one of the most interesting and exciting space RPGs and it has a huge amount of different features and mechanics. One of the most complicated things in this game is ship building. It seems that there are lots of players who don’t understand how to build a good vessel and in this guide, we will give you a couple of tips on how to do it.

In order to build a ship in Dual Universe, you will need to use different materials and form them into various figures. The game provides you with a huge amount of options and devices that you can use to make your vessel. So, here are some tips on ship building for Dual Universe.

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Choose the Purpose for Your Vessel

When you start to build your ship in Dual Universe you should choose its purpose. You have to decide what kind of vessel you want like a small freighter or a big cruiser. After that, you will be able to determine what kind of modules you want on your ship and how to construct your vessel.

Make Everything Symmetrical

In order to make a good ship in Dual Universe, you will need to make sure that it is symmetrical. If you build an asymmetrical vessel you will have to make sure that it is balanced. So, it is quite a problematic thing for a new player and we recommend you build something simpler and more symmetrical.

Build the Ship’s Skeleton First

Your vessel in Dual Universe is supposed to have different modules and other key elements. We recommend you build the basic skeleton of your ship and fill it with all the required modules before you start to work with the hull. So, you will be able to ensure that all your modules are fitted and there are no problems with your ship’s size.

Dual Universe is one of the most exciting RPGs related to space thematic and hopefully this guide will help you to create your first vessel. Good luck in your further ship building!

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Dual Universe Ship Building Guide (2022)


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