How to Get the Flytrap Marker in Roblox Find the Markers


There are many different Roblox games. Some of them have complex RPG features and a lot of items, and some are very simple. And Roblox Find the Markers belongs to the second type. All you have to do is collect the various markers hidden on the map. But sometimes it can be very difficult. And in this guide, we will tell you how to get Flytrap Marker in Roblox Find the Markers.

How to Get the Flytrap Marker

Roblox Find the Markers has a lot of different Markers. Some you can easily find just by walking around the locations. And some are impossible to find if you don’t know where to look. And Flytrap Marker belongs to the second type. Moreover, you will have to do some parkour to get to the Marker.

And so, in the starting location, you can find the clock tower. Approaching it, you can see a barely noticeable ladder. Climb up it to the clock to teleport to the Washable Kingdom.

Related: Best Marker Design Ideas for Roblox Find the Markers

As soon as you spawn in the Kingdom, turn back and approach the tree with the hollow. You need to try to climb this tree. Try doing it from different angles. At the top of the tree, you will find a small venus flytrap. Jump on it to teleport to the huge green tower. And now it’s time for parkour.

First, climb the column, and then jump on the other columns. Just climb and jump to get to the top. Here you will also find several venus flytraps. Try not to stand on them for a long time, because they can bite you and you will fall to the very bottom. At the very top of the tower, you will find the Flytrap Marker.

That’s all you need to know about getting the Flytrap Marker. Follow our tips, and you will be able to complete your collection with this new Marker. And while you are here, take a look at our guide on how to get the Spider Marker.

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How to Get the Flytrap Marker in Roblox Find the Markers


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