One of the most important currencies in Roblox Combat Warriors is Aether. This is the secondary currency, which is mainly used for purchasing cases. Read this guide, and you will find out how to get Aether in Roblox Combat Warriors. So, let’s get started!
Getting Aether in Roblox Combat Warriors
The first thing you need to know is that there are 2 ways of getting Aether in Roblox Combat Warriors. The first one is ordinary ways, which are available for most people. And the second one is premium way of getting Aether, which is available only for premium users. To not waste your time, let’s get started with ordinary ways right now.
Complete Daily Quests
In any video game, completing daily quests is one of the best things you can do. For a single quest, you will get not only Aether but many other resources. And if to talk about Aether, for 1 quest, you can get 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 300 Aether, which is insane.
Use Codes and Spins
Codes and Spins are 2 ways to get the Aether effortlessly for free. Spins will be available for you daily until you reach level 10. However, there are many other resources that you can get from spins. And codes you can get in the special Discord servers or from the official social media of the developers.
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Premium Way to Get Aether
Additionally to the traditional ways, there is 1 premium way to get Aether for free. You can get 10 Aether, 50 Credits, 100 XP, and 1 Spin daily if you’re a premium user. Of course, it is not a good reward, but it is given to you absolutely for free.
In conclusion, there are many options to get Aether in Roblox Combat Warriors. What way to choose is only your decision. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!
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How to Get Aether in Roblox Combat Warriors