Max Weapon Level in New World, Explained

using a rapier in new world

New World takes a very different approach to open-world combat gaming compared to similar titles. Here, one of your main concentrations in the game is achieving mastery in classics like the bow and musket. Leveling these to the fullest is an important achievement as a New World player. This is max weapon level in New World, explained.

How Weaponry Works In New World

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New World is unique as an MMO in that it doesn’t utilize different character classes. Instead, there is an emphasis on strengthening weapons. There are over 10 different ones to pick from, ranging in variety from swords to ranged firearms. Players can use one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, magic staffs, and much more.

How To Level Weapons In New World

Using a weapon in New World.

Weapons take quite a bit of time to level up, so it’s recommended you start with just one as your main and focus on that. The way to make them stronger is very simple, albeit time-consuming. All you have to do is destroy plenty of enemies and earn experience points. Basically, by just playing the game, you’ll level your weapon in no time. It’s a dated, yet straightforward mechanic.

How To Use Mastery Points In New World

When you level a weapon, you get mastery points to use on improvement choices. The more you master a weapon, the more abilities and upgrade opportunities you’ll unlock for it. Players can pick improvements from two different skill trees, with the choice to follow one or mix the two, making weaponry in the game very customizable. Something to note is that once you get a weapon to level 10, you can only reset your mastery points with Azoth. You can master as many different weapons as you like.

A Weapons Max Level In New World

As of right now, the max level a weapon can be is 20. That could change in a future update, but it’s the game’s current cap. If you haven’t maxed your weapon out yet, now is the time to do so, especially before the Brimstone Sands update comes out. You can check out New World on the Steam store today!

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Max Weapon Level in New World, Explained


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