MX Player Pro v1.49: MOD APK Download Link


There are hundreds, if not thousands of video player apps on the Google Play Store that you can download and use for free, but the majority of these apps do not compare to the features, quality and overall usability that MX Player provides.

The team behind MX Player have created it with unique and distinctive features that allow it to play just about any form of video with no issues whatsoever. So if for some reason you are unable to buy MX Player Pro, then we’ll be helping you out with a MOD APK download link.

MX Player Pro v1.49: MOD APK Download Link


We regularly remind readers to always download games and apps from official channels such as the Google Play Store for Android devices or App Store for iOS devices. However, these channels do not offer MOD APK to players, so below is how to download MX Player Pro Mod APK.

You can download MX Player Pro v1.49 by using this link. Once downloaded, go to the download path where it is saved and install it on your Android device. Assuming you have the normal version installed, note that you will have to uninstall it before installing the MOD APK.

After successfully installing the game, open it and enjoy a modded APK of MX Player without ads, giving you a complete viewing experience without interruption.

Some people actually prefer being able to watch movies on the go. For instance, a flight may be delayed or you might be stuck in traffic. If there’s no TV nearby, and you don’t have access to wi-fi or a local network, you won’t be able to access the internet. In this case, you can simply use MX Player to watch videos and pass the time.

MX Player Pro does not have annoying ads that will interrupt your viewing, so it’s definitely worth getting. However, note that once you have a MOD APK, you may not be able to update the app directly from the Google Play Store again.

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MX Player Pro v1.49: MOD APK Download Link


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