All Jumpscares in Roblox Doors

the doors roblox jumpscare

Roblox game Doors is a horror and survival game inspired by Rooms and Jumpscare Mansion. Doors takes players through levels of, you guessed it, Doors, where they will have to try to avoid different monsters. If a monster gets you, you will get a jump scare and get the You Died screen. Using different techniques like sprinting, sneaking, and hiding, players will have to try to evade each scary creature, and escape. Find out here about all jumpscares in Roblox Doors!

Every Jump Scare in Roblox Doors

The creatures you have to try to escape from will try to frighten you in every level you enter. Behind every door is a new monster ready to make you jump and end your life! Here is a list of every jump scare you will encounter while playing Roblox Doors.

Roblox AMBUSH (via Roblox Doors)
CreatureHow to SpotHow to Escape
RushLights flickering
Low growling heard
Hide in a vent, closet, or under a bed
AmbushLights flickering
Distorted noise heard
Hide in a closet until it disappears
Rehide when it appears again. It may do this 6 times.
HideScreen will turn red.
Words appear: GET OUT
Heartbeat will increase
Leave your hiding place
HaltFlickering lights
Will appear behind next door
Run to the other door
If words appear- follow the instruction ‘Turn Around’
Do this until you can escape
EyesPurple glowLook away- at ceiling, floor, or walls
ScreechDark black room
Whispering ‘psst’ sound
Look directly at it
It will jump scare but deal no damage if you are looking at it.
JackHides in closets
Deals no damage
Try not to open too many closets
TimothyHides in drawersTry not to open too many drawers
GlitchAttacks only in multiplayer mode or Solo mode which includes a bug
Attacks those who stray from the group
Stick with the team
Does not deal damage in Solo mode as it is only there to fix the bug
SeekAppears between doors 30-45
Then between 80-95
Walls will have eyes all over them
Slime pile on floor spawns Seek
Follow the white sparkles
Avoid chandeliers and slime covered hands
Figure (Inspired by Demogorgan from Stranger Things)Has very good hearing
Crouch and move slowly
Room 50 – complete the minigame
Room 100 – hide in the closet
The SoulHangs out on ceilingDeals no damage
WindowCan appear after Seek’s chase sceneDeals no damage

Related – Roblox Doors: How to Get Coins and Revive

PNKAngie on YouTube

Those are all the creatures who can give you a mighty fright and a jumpscare in Roblox Doors. Check out PNKAngie’s video above to see each jumpscare as they happen! Good luck.

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All Jumpscares in Roblox Doors


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