Survivor!.io New Skill Inferno Bomb Guide


It is pretty hard to imagine Survivor!.io without skills. Honestly, it is the most important part of the game that allows you to survive longer. And in this guide, you will find out all you need to know about the Inferno Bomb skill in Survivor!.io. No time to lose. Let’s get started!

Inferno Bomb Guide in Survivor!.io

In the newest Survivor!.io update, developers added a new weapon, improved career chapters, and made various other helpful changes. However, one of the most widely discussed topics on the internet is adding a new skill –  Inferno Bomb. Continue reading the guide, and you will find out more about it.

The foremost thing you need to know is that developers added a Modular Mine in this update. It is one of the most exciting skills added to the game in recent months. And the fact is that using this skill place mines on a battlefield that explodes while triggered. By upgrading this skill, you can increase the number of spawned mines, improve the exploding range and double the damage.

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But one of the main improvements you can apply for this skill is adding a fire effect, transforming Modular Mine into Inferno Bomb. Honestly, Inferno Bomb is way more powerful than Modular Mine. The fire effect last 5 seconds, dealing significant damage to enemies.

And if you stand in the middle of the ring, spawned mines will surround you, and you will get endless fire-explosion effects, killing all monsters that try to kill you. Be sure when developers add some passive skill that will empower Inferno Bomb, it will become the most potent improvement in Survivor!.io.

In concussion, the new Inferno Bomb skill is one of the most powerful skills in Survivor!.io. If you follow the specific strategy of playing with this skill, you will become nearly invincible, which is exciting. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!

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Survivor!.io New Skill Inferno Bomb Guide


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