Weapons are an essential part of Survivor!.io. Even though most players consider this aspect of the game pay-to-win, there are various potent weapons you can get for free. Read this guide, and you will find out how to get void power in Survivor!.io.
How to Obtain Void Power in Survivor!.io
First and foremost, Void Power is a red weapon, and it refers to tier S. Primarily, Void Power has 75 attack points, and this number increases when you level it up. Such a high attack makes this weapon suitable for beginners and experienced players. Continue reading the guide, and you will learn how to get this excellent weapon.
Purchase Special Crates
The fact is that developers added a particular Void Power Supply Crate. This is a limited crate that will be available for a few days. Like any other crate, 1 opening costs 300 gems, and 10 openings cost 2,680 gems. But the main advantage of this case is that you will get guaranteed S Grade equipment every 50 openings and Void Power equipment from the first 100 openings.
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S Grade Supplies
This is a premium chest that is constantly available in the shop. And the only difference of this one compared to special ones is that you will not get Void Power equipment from the first 100 tries. So, if you have no resources to purchase Special Crates 100 times, it would be best to open the S-Grade Supplies. They have the highest chance of dropping S weapons in Survivor!.io.
In conclusion, Void Power is the newest red weapon in Survivor!.io. And the only way to get it is to open crates, which is costly. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!
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Survivor!.io How to Get Void Power – New Red Weapon