Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build Guide: Cookie Run Kingdom

candy diver cookie cookie run kingdom feature

Candy Diver Cookie is one of the Cookies added to Cookie Run: Kingdom in the Legend of the Duskgloom Sea update. Candy Diver Cookie is a strange-looking support Cookie, with a gum-ball head and lantern. They arrived on with Captain Caviar Cookie in September 2022, and is available to unlock in the Cookie Gacha using cutters or soulstones. Find out below which toppings would be best with Candy Diver Cookie.

Candy Diver Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom (via Devsisters)

Candy Diver Cookie Best Toppings

Candy Diver Cookie is a support type Cookie who prefers the rear of the team where they can use their deep-sea abilities to defend and support the team. They can buff and heal team mates using relics from the deep sea! Their ‘Safeguard’ status reduces DEF and increases DMG to enemies nearby, while also making Candy Diver Cookie immune to damage.

swift chocolate topping cookie run kingdom
Swift Chocolate Topping in Cookie Run Kingdom (via Devsisters)

To increase their usefulness and decrease cooldown on their ability ‘Deep-Sea Diver’, one of the potentially best toppings for Candy Diver Cookie would be Swift Chocolate. Swift Chocolate reduces cooldown for a Cookie. This would mean Candy Diver Cookie could use their skill ‘Deep-Sea Diver’ more often, and increase the amount of relics they can find and use.

Topping sweet candy cookie run kingdom
Sweet Candy Topping in Cookie Run Kingdom (via Devsisters)

Another useful topping would be Sweet Candy which amplify buffs given by Candy Diver Cookie. A combo of Swift Chocolate and Sweet Candy would be ideal.

Related: Captain Caviar Cookie’s Topping Guide: Cookie Run Kingdom

If you have the perfect toppings combination for any of the support Cookies in your team, including Candy Diver Cookie, please let us know in the comments below.

Now that you know the best toppings build for Candy Diver Cookie, it’s time to get out there and put them to the test! Good luck!

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Candy Diver Cookie Toppings Build Guide: Cookie Run Kingdom


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